Rosie's Untreated Childbirth Injury

Physical and Emotional Damage

In 2013, a challenging childbirth left Rosie with a torn labia minora which went untreated after delivery. What followed was a journey marked by pain, dismissals, and a significant impact on her confidence.

"Four days later, I was in so much pain that I went to my GP who examined me and said that because it had started healing, it would be classed as a cosmetic procedure to stitch it up, and so I was sent away with the advice of using lubricant," shared Rosie about her initial struggles.

How did Rosie’s tear affect her day-to-day life?

Walking and attempts at intimacy were met with pain, impacting Rosie’s quality of life and, now newly single, her confidence. Despite returning to the doctor a year later, Rosie faced dismissal once again.

Rosie’s path to treatment

By chance, a client in the tattoo parlour Rosie was working in at the time recommended Dr. Sarah Jenkins, our newest practitioner here at The Door W4, so Rosie booked a consultation with Dr. Jenkins and they agreed on a treatment to try: Aviva.

Rosie - a patient at The Door W4

What is AVIVA and how does it work?

Minimally invasive alternative to labiaplasty

AVIVA is a quick and efficient treatment for women seeking both aesthetic and functional vaginal enhancements. This treatment can be completed in under twenty minutes and uses local anaesthesia. AVIVA is especially useful for women who desire the results of a labiaplasty without the need for any excisions. This treatment requires minimal invasion, making it an excellent choice for women who want a natural-looking result with less downtime and minimal-to-no scarring.



Rosie’s AVIVA results

"The results were instant,” shared Rosie. "For the first time in ten years I didn’t feel self-conscious about how my labia looked. It was all tighter, neater and more plump".

"After being dismissed twice by my GP, I’m so grateful for Dr. Sarah Jenkins for taking me seriously and restoring my confidence," Rosie expressed in reflection of her experience here at The Door W4.

Is AVIVA right for you?

There are only a limited number of medical practitioners in the UK that can provide these transformative treatments for women and Rosie is just one of many patients that Dr. Sarah Jenkins has helped live their day-to-day life with more confidence and less pain and discomfort. If you’re interested in the AVIVA treatment Rosie had or if you’re struggling with other women’s health issues, book your consultation today and embark on a personalised journey toward renewed well-being.

Dr. Sarah Jenkins

Dr. Sarah Jenkins

With over 10 years of experience as an NHS doctor, Dr. Sarah Jenkins offers expert guidance and treatment for women’s health, including postnatal support and pelvic health. Drawing on both professional and personal experience, Dr. Jenkins is one of the UK's leading experts on women's intimate radiofrequency treatments, and is a global master trainer for Inmode. She is one of a handful of experts in the UK offering solutions for this rapidly growing niche area of medical care for women. 

Start Your Journey with a Bespoke Complimentary Consultation

Our fully trained staff are here to guide you through your visit, and the best way to start is with a complimentary 30 minute 1-to-1 consultation with our practice manager and treatment expert, Kellie Lloyd. Kellie will be able to advise on practitioners and treatments, help you discover your goals and set a plan to reach them, with no obligation to commit to any treatments that are discussed.

Women's Health Clinic at The Door W4

Women's Health Clinic at The Door W4

A doctor-led, female operated clinic for the physical, mental and emotional needs of women at every stage of life. Our women's health specialist practitioners are dedicated to providing you with personalised care that is tailored to your unique needs as a woman.

Empower RF - Morpheus8V, VTone, FormaV, Aviva

Empower RF - Morpheus8V, VTone, FormaV, Aviva

EmpowerRF is the most advanced women's intimate wellness solution that addresses a broad range of conditions such as: stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence (SUI), weak pelvic floor muscles, pain during intercourse, blood circulation for full functional optimisation.

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